Application Form for Life Fellowship

IIChE welcomes all persons engaged in the profession of chemical engineering or being trained as a chemical engineer to its fold. They may become members of the institute subject to fulfillment certain eligibility criteria and completion of other formalities.

Criteria for becoming Life Fellowship:

  • Every candidate for admission to the Institute as a Fellow or for transfer from Member or Associate Member to Fellow shall produce adequate evidence to satisfy the Council that he has the requisite qualifications as mentioned in sub-clauses 6.2 and 6.3 under clause 6. and is not less than thirty five years of age and has experience of not less than 10 years for a candidate with Chemical Engineering Degree/15 years for a candidate with degree in Chemical or allied Process Technology or in Engineering other than Chemical Engineering/25 years for a candidate with degree in Science and engaged in Chemical manufacture or Process Engineering or in Education or design or execution of important Chemical Engineering work. If a candidate is employed as a teacher of Chemical Engineering in University of Technological Institution recognised by the Council, he should be regarded as employed in the direction of Chemical Engineering work.
  • He/She shall have attained such an eminence in the field of Chemical Engineering, Chemical Manufacture and processing as to quality him in the opinion of the Council for the distinction of Fellowship.

Fees & Subscription:

    To be intimated by the Office after approval of the Fellowship Application by the Council.

Application Form

Membership Details

Personal Details

Further Information

Educational Qualification

Area of Expertise



Professional Experience

Teaching Profession

Publication Details

Presentation in Conference/Workshops/Seminars/Symposia

Payment Details

To be intimated by the Office after approval of the Fellowship Application by the Council.
Self Declaration:
  • I .................................... declare that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
  • I also declare that I shall be abide by the Byelaws of the Institute. If any of my activities found deviation from the ‘Objectives’ or violation of ‘Code of Ethics’ of the Institute the Council has the right to terminate the membership without assigning any reason thereof.