+91 9830752111

SI.NO. Category Advt. Colour Page Tariff in INR Benefits
1. Platinum Partner Full Above 30.00 lakh 10 free delegates + Wide circulation in all communication +Free Stall+Free Membership (5 no)
2. Gold Partner Full Rs. 15.00 lakh 7 free delegates + Wide circulation in all communication +Free Stall+Free Life Membership (3 no)
3. Silver Partner / Educational Partner Full Rs. 8.00 lakh 8 free delegates + Wide circulation in all communication +Free Stall+Free Life Membership (2 no)
4. Bronze Sponsorship / Delegate Kit Half Rs. 5.00 lakh 3 free delegates + Wide circulation in all communication +Free Stall
5. Copper Partner Half Rs. 4.00 lakh 2 free delegates + Wide circulation in all communication +Free Stall
5. Principal Partner
(Lunch/Dinner each day)
Half Rs. 3.00 lakh 2 free delegates + Wide circulation in all communication
6. Co-Principal Partner
(High Tea/Breakfast, each day)
Nil Rs. 2.00 lakh 2 free delegates + Wide circulation in all communication
7. Technical Partner
(Plenary Lecture (Each) Parallel Session (Each)
Nil Rs. 1.00 lakh 1 free delegates + Wide circulation in all communication
8. Cultural Event Partner Half Rs. 2.00 lakh 2 free delegates + Wide circulation in all communication

A Souvenir will be made available to all delegates free of charge. Contributions are solicited to support this publishing of souvenir through advertisements.

Position in the Souvenir Price in INR/USD
Multicolour Back Page/Multicolour Front Inside Page Rs. 2,00,000.00 / USD 2500.00
Multicolour Back Gate Fold/Multicolour Inside Gate Fold Rs. 1,00,000.00 / USD 2500.00
Multicolour Inside Full Page Rs. 50,0000.00 / USD 750.00
B / W Full Page/Multicolour Inside half page Rs. 25,000.00 / USD 400.00
B/ W Inside half page Rs. 15,000.00 / USD 300.00